Your content, in the hands of your audience

Audiences are consuming more content through streaming than ever before. The variety of platforms and content available makes the live broadcast experience very attractive for the end audience.

However, this all comes with a series of challenges for content producers, who need to consider several factors to bring the best possible streaming to this audience. AD Digital experts are ready to help you, with solutions that support everything from capture to transmission, always thinking about quality and the best possible experience for the public.

Better format and quality

Focus on the streaming experience

Delivery on multiple platforms



The way the audience consumes content is one of the most important factors when we talk about streaming platforms. There are a multitude of issues that can impact a user during an OTT and CTV journey.

To mitigate these issues, reduce churn, and improve audience satisfaction, real-time anomaly detection-based analytics is needed, capable of immediately providing actionable intelligence on the root cause of video playback experience issues.

This also has great benefits for advertisers, who see real-time, granular delivery with player performance insights, enabling rapid resolution of ad ecosystem issues and ensuring ad inventory is monetized.

Want to know more?

Our team of experts can get in touch to discuss how our Streaming solutions can benefit your business

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